Friday, March 26, 2021

When The Dogtter walked New Zealand

We were learning how we can use polyline and also how we can use good describing sentence's in our learning, so it will sound better in our writing when we put good langrege.

I really enjoyed that we could sit where we wanted to and I also really enjoyed this activity because it was really fun doing the curve for the animals I made up witch in fact was a real animal, but just isn't alive anymore if you believe me or not! 

 The part that I found challenging was when I was doing the curve, while trying to make real, but it was real, I'm only doing this because it just extinct before we could take any photos of it to put on the internet. I also found it hard to use the background remover for the dog face because it is really hard to draw on a none touch screen chromebook. 

Next time I need to add more information in my writing so who ever is reading this text will be able to make a picture in the head. Ultimately I loved this piece of work.



  1. Hello Shannon
    It's Isabel from Mangapapa school, I think that it was an amazing idea to do the dogtter I really liked how it used to live in the Mangapapa school creek. Maybe next time you could write a bit more of the next time I need to in your reflection. I hope you have an amazing day.
    Bye , Isabel

  2. Hi Shannon my name is Maihi and I go to Mangapapa school. I like how you were creative with your animal. You could have made the dog+otter skinnier but you did an amazing job.


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