Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My animal report, on slides!!!!!!


Room 9 and my class were learning how to do a report writing. We did some research at the beginning. I enjoyed making the slides the most. I also liked adding lots of facts. I found hard searching some stuff up for my piece of writing. My learning shows that I love otters because you can tell, in the introduction, if you read it. Next time I will ad some more moving slides instead of normal pictures, so it could look even cooler! 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Recipe Reading!!!


This learning is about reading. This is what you need to do:  So you have to chose one of the ricapes, then you need to read it, then after that you find something that looks like picture and it will ask something like this do you put the chocolates in this ricape? Then you would go back and check if you're right or you will go back to see what the answer is. You will do that with all of the questions. This doesn't really sound that fun but it is really fun! Just trust me on this! Anyway I loved doing this sooo much!!! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My Speech 2020!!!

Hi we were learning how to Screencastify. This was also my Speech, I came first out of all the Year Fives. I found easy to get my slides and find the images. I found challenging to make sure my speech wasn't not too long. Next time I need to work on not putting too much detail in my slides.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Learning about Polyline!!!

As you can see... my classmates and I were learning about Polyline, Polyline is this really, really, really fun activity where you click on the arrow next to line and then after that you go onto polyline if you want it to be but if you want it to be curvy then you go onto curve. For most of my classmates they didn't really like it too much like me because I Honestly loved it! My favorite part was at the start when I got back home from school I keeped on and on adding to it. Next time I need to fociase a bit better and but, most of all I need to not just help other people and do mine first, but out of all I think I did really well for this activity.😋😛